Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Activity 9 Technologies for learning

I have noticed over the duration of this course that my thinking about the use of each part of flexible learning package has enabled the particular part of the course I am looking at to evolve.  I was reading my initial notes about what I saw the vision for the final assessment as being- and, the change has been really interesting to reflect upon.

Technology Key Trend-  There is a new emphasis in the classroom on more challenge based and active learning (Horizon report, p.5).  Connecting to the curriculum with real life issues.  Looking locally and globally for answers and solutions, immersing themselves in subject matter.

The use of Case studies are important to students in completing work for DFO- initially this has been linked to learning styles (kinesthetic, visual etc).  We currently have students watching videos in class that we have sourced from TV, videos from agencies-  but my idea this week is the use of Ipads in the classroom and in fieldwork settings. We have 6 ipads in the school in Hamilton with numerous students having their own tablets or iphones with similar functions.  According to the Horizon report (2012), tablets 'present new opportunities to enhance learning experiences in ways simply not possible with other devices' p.7.  Another part of this use of technology, is that maybe I could develop an app for the process of learning about disease and disorder....  in another few years maybe!  So, now out of the 'pie in the sky' and back to ipads and the use of the camera on the device...

My ideal: You tube video Jayne-  Watch this you tube clip- I must warn you that this video is of a 'Tired Jayne' from marking... and one tip is to look your best for these videos but I was proud to even get it onto you tube from the Ipad - I had to set up a new account for the work ipad- rather than a personal account due to everyone using that one You tube account now for the particular ipad.
I am aware of the media releases that would be needed for this to happen and would consider this.  I have a video that I am currently editing for the DFO paper and have obtained the releases for the clip.

Through the use of the Ipad and being able to use sites such as U tube for storage, students can access the material at any time.  Also, there will be a buy in from students, as the video as part of an assessment can be completed at anytime.  The interaction with other students and practitioners if this is also posted on Wiki would be highly beneficial to the students learning and integrate others ideas. (See OER blog below).

NMC Horizon report (2012).  Higher education edition.  Retrieved from


  1. Great work Jayne you are really getting into this. When students watch the videos in class does this generate discussion, and do you have criteria or questions for them to consider when watching the videos. Is there also an opportunity for them to search for and share other material, or to create videos - do role plays etc and record themselves, and share these?

    See I am never satisfied. As you can see I am a fan of student-generated content as this can be even more engaging than accessing content created by others. What do you think of these ideas?

  2. Yes, it would come under the template for learning about disease and disorder that I will try to see if I can attach. The main section will be part of the international classification of functioning (participation restriction and activity limitations), World health organisation. In my development, I now have the students taking the videos and each sharing in a presentation so it maybe they can lead the questioning for that week too? I like enquiry based learning and in another topic, we have students researching a topic eacha nd presenting to the class for a tutorial. It has worked so well. That is for 3rd year. Big fan and is sustainable- less work for me for prep on that tut, powerpoints onto moodle for sharing of resources.
