Below is a cut, paste and adding to my ideas. This is a work in progress and will be changing. The most changes will be when I get to the powerpoint so I will post this next week too.
Flexible Learning Plan Jayne 2012
IntroductionDefine Flexible Learning in your context.
Flexible learning is providing an environment and various mediums in which learners may have choice and access to their learning through different methods, times, location, and styles- that choice or 'fit' may enable students of different backgrounds, learning styles, needs and goals to access materials and courses that may not be otherwise accessible to them. (see below for context)
Provide an overview of what will be covered in the presentation.
· Looking at Disability, function, occupation paper for Bachelor of Occupational therapy year students (neurology, international classification of functioning, signs, symptoms of illness/ conditions and the effect on a person’s daily occupations)- repackaging next yr. What is currently happening and why flexibility and changes are needed.
· How a particular strategy of using templates (OER- on a wiki), case studies, technology (ipads and utube), will increase flexibility and sustainability while also ensuring that students meet the course aims and objectives
· How I plan to ensure that Maori learners and also the model of ‘Te Whare Tapa Wha’ is incorporated.
AimState what you intend to achieve with the plan, in one or two sentences. List the objectives for the plan.
The plan intends to look at the current course of DFO and delivery methods. Because of feedback from practitioners, we need to look at the way the students are learning about conditions and set them up for fieldwork in terms of methods of learning.
Objectives/ Aims
My plan aims are to incorporate technology into the program to build on the current flexible learning offered. Also, students need to be enquiry based and be able to discuss their findings in MDT teams so discussion with practitioners and other students by means of OER will ensure that reflection has taken place and a wide range of resources are pulled on.
Background Describe the learning environment you work in. Outline the reasons flexibility is necessary, and the factors which have stimulated change.
Otago Polytechnic School of Occupational therapy. Based in Hamilton at a satellite campus to Dunedin. Online blended delivery of courses with face to face tutorials. Can be intensive in 2nd year. Currently, Disability, Function, Occupation (DFO) is known as a ‘stuffed sausage’ paper. Next year, the credits will be increasing with the repackage.
Flexibility needed due to distance and courses are run across 2 campuses, diverse population of students (school leavers to mature students) and continuing knowledge of conditions and disabilities growing so want to keep up with practitioners and evidence based practice. Students go on 5-6 different fieldwork experiences over 3 years, so we can teach ‘stock conditions’ but not every condition the student may see. We need to ensure that students are enquiry based learners and can use the template to find the information needed. Practice in class with practitioners and consumers input will add to knowledge and breadth of learning.
OUTCOME of Strategies for the DFO course:
Students will be able to use the ‘Process of Learning about Disease and Disorder’ as a tool to enable them to have a systematic way to investigate about any condition/ disease they may encounter while on placement.
Part of the Disability, Function and Occupation course is to educate students about the ‘Process of Learning about Disease and Disorder’ . Students are provided with a Template as a guide and throughout the course, use the template when looking at conditions- ie. The resources to use, what to look for, terminology. Along the way, students also learn about number of conditions. As we say, we cannot teach every condition the student might encounter while on placement or in practice, but if students have a way of finding out about the condition (the process) then students will become enquiry based learners instead of relying on the content of the condition they may have learnt about in class.
Access and Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity
Provide a definition for each concept and the relevance in your professional context. Explain how you will ensure all your learners can access the learning environment you have created.
All students from diverse backgrounds, cultures, life stages and contexts will have the ability to achieve the highest standard of learning towards becoming occupational therapists by having physical access, academic support and equality in accessing all information, services and material for the learning
Some examples: Students will have access to the Ipads from the school. Also access to computers at the student hub and in the OT office for use. Support from IT and peer tutors available. Individual and class time with lecturers. Time in timetable for groupwork. Work can be achieved from home with online discussions or in tutorial times.
Open Education and SustainabilityProvide a definition for each concept and the relevance in your professional context. Outline the strategies you intend to use to ensure these concepts are addressed.
Open Education Practices are about using a public domain to share knowledge and resources freely so there is an availability and accessibility of materials, content and the affords to ability to participation in learning for anyone interested. There are a number of practices that enhance the use of open education and the resources- tools and methods for communicating- eg. Blogging, wiki, facebook, twitter , wiki, flicker, u tube. The resources themselves- Open Education Resources (OER) according to are teaching and learning resources that can be shared, reused and remixed. (Ironically, I was unable to cut and paste a quote from that article… so I have a bit to learn about the remixing part…)
I have completed a number of video interviews that I could put onto U tube/ link with wiki and also post the process of learning about disease and disorder onto a wiki. Students would also interview or use the Ipads to video case studies while on placement or as part of the course. It would be really interesting to see what other OT’s and health professionals around the world come up with in relation to the occupations affected for the person by the disease/ disorder. Students could learn from other therapists and world view point. This adds to the knowledge of the profession and best practice methods. This idea stemmed from students not necessarily having to come to the classroom each week to watch a video as part of their learning (looking at flexibility in terms of physical access), but rather access open education for not only interaction with their class, but other practitioners and OT students too. ‘Students who studied in groups, even only once a week, were more engaged in their studies, were better prepared for class, and learnt significantly more than students who worked on their own’ p. 18 - Richard J. Light, Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001) retrieved from
Define Sustainability (JW do)
With the plan to stop photocopying a 100 page book of articles relating to conditions for the students, this in itself will be a decrease in use of paper. With the plan to use videos online and also have the template of the ‘Process of learning about disease and disorder’ also online for students to complete, this will also decrease wastage.
Students are encouraged to bring a laptop to class as opposed to printing out materials- although this can be cost prohibitive for some students. Maybe with work online, students do not need to always come into classes each week. There can be a change in structure of the course into block teaching...
Through the use of case studies and practitioners knowledge, students have the ability to learn from others- saving time and energy on researching themselves- but also leading to inquiry based learning (also sustainable) with material learnt. Otago Polytechnic has a clause based on students completing work before coming to class and being lectured to- the OT school has a blended learning package for delivery so adheres to this.
Overview of Strategies, organisational policies & strategiesSummarise the approach and strategies you will use to ensure flexibility in the learning environment, including the importance for your organisation, particularly in relation to organisational policies and strategies for learning and teaching.
'Strengthen collaboration and shared resources for greater efficiency' (TES, P.15) fits with the satellite program of Otago Polytechnics Occupational therapy school venture with Wintec. Students can choose the location but achieve the same qualifications, materials, and teaching. Students can transfer from one campus to another. Students can also share their resources with students from other organisations and schools.
I am choosing a strategy in the way classroom activities can be changed to incorporate OER, technology and student learning (enquiry based learning). I need to consider costs and cost/ benefit analysis as initially it could be time consuming but after that, it will be sustainable. Technology costs will be cost effective in the long term although initial outlay may seem costly (capex funding needed). Although I do consider Maori and Pacifika learners, I need to ensure that case studies and also practitioners that we are gaining material from for use are of various ethnicities and cultures.
Adult educational theory or approach Outline the adult educational theory or approach (e.g.,self-directed learning, critical thinking, reflective practice, evidence-based, work-based etc.) On which you have based your plan.
Reflective practice is important for students in Occupational therapy…. (expand on this JW)
With the concept of case studies available to all (OER) and also the template' Process of learning about disease and disorder' as a wiki with a dialogue amongst practitioners and students this could be seen as utilizing a Community of Practice model (see Bronwyns NOTE- Expand). ‘Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly’ (Wenger, 2006). Although discussion is based on communities of practice not being a part of formal training, the set up of the learning is such that not everyone involved will be a part of formal learning. The definition of participation interested me. ‘Participation because it is through doing knowledge that they acquire it. Knowledge is situated within the practices of the community of practice, rather than something which exists “out there” in books’ (Atherton, 2011). I could bring in clinical reasoning about novice vs expert differences in practice and also tacit knowledge in here (Linda Robertson has a new book out and she is the resident expert at OP)- the terms are developed and expanded on by Mattingly and Fleming (1994).
Technologies for learningDescribe the learning activity you have designed using a ‘trend’ technology and how it contributes to the flexible learning environment.
Technology Key Trend- (use of IPADS, Wiki’s, Utube) There is a new emphasis in the classroom on more challenge based and active learning (Horizon report, p.5). Connecting to the curriculum with real life issues. Looking locally and globally for answers and solutions, immersing themselves in subject matter.
The use of Case studies are important to students in completing work for DFO- initially this has been linked to learning styles (kinesthetic, visual etc). We currently have students watching videos in class that we have sourced from TV, videos from agencies- but my idea this week is the use of Ipads in the classroom and in fieldwork settings. We have 6 ipads in the school in Hamilton with numerous students having their own tablets or iphones with similar functions. According to the Horizon report (2012), tablets 'present new opportunities to enhance learning experiences in ways simply not possible with other devices' p.7. Another part of this use of technology, is that maybe I could develop an app for the process of learning about disease and disorder.... In another few years maybe! So, now out of the 'pie in the sky' and back to ipads and the use of the camera on the device...
Through the use of the Ipad and being able to use sites such as U tube for storage, students can access the material at any time. Also, there will be a buy in from students, as the video as part of an assessment can be completed at anytime. The interaction with other students and practitioners if this is also posted on Wiki would be highly beneficial to the students learning and integrate others ideas. (See OER blog below).
Cultural Sensitivity & Indigenous Learners
Provide a definition for this concept and the relevance in your professional context. Outline aspects of the Maori Strategic Framework which underpin your approach.
Provide a definition for this concept and the relevance in your professional context. Outline aspects of the Maori Strategic Framework which underpin your approach.
The two points I am particularly interested in from the Maori Strategy Framework (Otago Polytechnic), in my professional context are of Maori enjoying a good standard of health and high standard of living, and actively participating as citizens of the world are twofold in my role. In the curriculum, we also work with the He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy .The overall aim of He Korowai Oranga is whānau ora - Māori families supported to achieve their maximum health and wellbeing. I know flexible learning has an e-learning slant, but as I am teaching in a health paper, I bring in the reasons the students need to be aware of, and make use of the resources available to enhance the healthcare for Maori. The Ministry of Health (2002) state ‘As a population group, Maori have on average the poorest health status of any ethnic group in New Zealand. This is not acceptable. The Government and the Ministry of Health have made it a key priority to reduce health inequalities that affect Maori. If Maori are to live longer, have healthier lives, and fulfil their potential to participate in New Zealand society, then the factors that cause inequalities in health need to be addressed’ (p. 2).
So, examples of Aotearoa/New Zealand’s indigenous culture in the course design: Legislation and guidelines from Ministry of Health (as above with He Korowai Oranga Maori Health Strategy), Mental Health Commission are used. Te Whare Tapa Wha (and other Maori models of health) is also integrated into the course. Maori and Whanau contexts are used in case studies in integration of practice course. Statistics are used as exemplars in class to illustrate occupational needs.
Other approaches that I can use to meet the needs include speakers from providers eg. Hau Ora (For Maori by Maori service provider), offering different media for presenting material and also look at access to the course materials and documents. When planning and delivering the course, Rangatiratanga- learner centreness is a major factor we consider as part of the course and assessments. For example the DFO case studies will address Ako- direct learner involvement in their learning.
In the course, my experience with working with indigenous learners has been based on Whanaungatanga -building relationships –as with all students. We provide support if students wish to access it- Maori OT’s, hui for the profession with students involved.
A challenge may have been if I had to explain Te Whare Tapa Wha with knowing there were students who actually knew more than me! But, the students offered to present the material to the class- this gained great respect from the class for the students and a sense of achievement. I am unsure of the challenges for the students as such, I guess this is something I may work on more. The students in the DFO class who identify as Maori passed the assessments and exams so this is just one indicator- end point not process of learning. We do have a specialised Maori learning centre with supports at Wintec that students can access.
Conclusion: Round off the presentation with a concluding remark and a “where to from here” statement.
Where to from here: Discuss my findings with the new course coordinator for 2013 DFO, give an example of a case study on U tube, the template on OER and a wiki set up that may work… give a demo. Then maybe trial one or 2 case studies next semester and Wiki. OER use. Get student feedback.
References: This is a list of readings and websites you have used to create your plan. Please use an APA referencing format.
To do…
Jayne you have done a wonderful job pulling your plan together. You have pretty much covered all the bases. One suggestion I would make is that you link back where possible to other blog posts so people can get more detail if they need to, and this may enable you to cut back the length of the plan.
ReplyDeleteAlso, some suggestions for the section: Overview of Strategies, organisational policies & strategies Summarise the approach and strategies you will use to ensure flexibility in the learning environment,...
List the strategies that will be introduced and why they are a good idea - briefly - because you are covering this in more detail in other sections. Putting this clearly in this section makes it easier to understand what you are doing to introduce more flexibility.
Make sure in the other sections that you are linking back consistently to these strategies and explaining how they are going to enhance access & equity, sustainability etc. In some instances you are introducing new strategies, and if they are all together in the Strategies section they wont come as a surprise later on.
Youtube not utube. Also it is not clear what the videos that students will create will involve, and how they will be shared and accessed. On Youtube, you can set up a channel to which students can subscribe so you could have a class channel with one login, and keep it private just to the class if you need to or choose selected videos which could be open so that practitioners can give comment and discussion on the cases.
Also are you planning to encourage students to contribute to the wiki, and what might this entail?
Thanks- yes, the powerpoint has become clearer after pulling out all the strategies and then referring to them throughout. You tube (txt talk at times!). Will think more about wikis. This may be an area that I refer to ask 'to be investigated' at this stage although I can talk about what would be ideal- just don't know the correct 'platform'
Kia ora Jayne- what a lot of work you have done! I laughed at your description of 'stuffeed sausage' paper. Your outline also made me think about Concepts in Health and what is needed from your perspective teacing DFO to remain in CIH -once it merges with SAOT? (Obviously a different conversation to be had later!)
ReplyDeleteIn terms of your plan- you've got some awesome ideas here especially asking students to use Ipads/ video footage as a learning tool. Are there any restrictions using this type of technology while on placement? Using our own case studies as well as kepping those that you have already got would provide a rich learning environment. I also liked the idea of block teaching- I know some students travel to get to campus (I had one student come over from central Otago) so something like this is good to think about. Midwifery also teach using block courses so it would be good to talk to them to see what they like/dislike? I also thought the template you described sounded like a great tool for students - offering them a practical assessment tool that they could use in their profession. Big ups to the many ideas you propose in teaching strategies when thinking about Maori learners, the integration of community voice by way of guest speakers and also through whakawhanaungatanga is great. In terms of having students who may know more than you - your example of having them lead this part is in essence a fantastic explanation of ako in the making.
All the best for your presentation, I am at my uni job but will try to make it! Ka mihi
Hi Gina, Gosh, yes SAOT/ concepts and DFO- Alexa has overseen DFO too so that is great for overview too.
ReplyDeleteI think some of the restrictions for students will be around confidentiality, consent and ethics.
Maintaining dignity and respect the participants deserve will be emphasized to students- professionalism comes into play here.
Student led sessions can be interesting- it certainly gives the students an opportunity to showcase their expertise or areas of interest. And live presenting is a skill- some excel in this area and can bring together ideas that may not be shown on paper.
Thanks for commenting. Appreciate it.